MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SERVICE, WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington DC, SPECIAL SERIES No. 9 The German Squad In Combat, December 25, 1943
"This text is the translation of the greater part of a German handbook designed to aid in squad training. The material illustrates, with a wealth of concrete examples the basic tactics of the German rifle squad. These tactics differ somewhat from those of the U. S. squad, mainly in that the enemy unit is built for tactical purposes around the employment of the squad's light machine gun. It is believed that U. S. company officers and noncommissioned officers will profit by this opportunity to study the combat methods of the basic German infantry unit."
Digitized by AHEC (U.S. Army Heritage Collections) title
"MIS 461"--P. i
"January 25, 1943."
Section 1. Organization and formations of the squad: Organization and equipment ; Squad formations, close order ; Squad formations, extended order -- Section 2. Combat methods of the squad: Squad leadership ; The squad in the fire fight ; Coordination with other weapons ; The squad in offensive combat ; The squad in defense ; The squad as combat outpost ; The squad in the advance guard ; The squad in outguard duty ; Reconnaissance patrols ; Training the squad in antiaircraft protections ; Conduct of riflemen in the presence of enemy tanks -- Section 3. Examples of squad exercises: Training methods ; Protection of assembly area prior to attack ; Attack after preparation ; Penetration of main line of resistance ; Combat outposts ; The squad in reserve